Sunday, July 10, 2011

Memcached and MySQL (Part II – Memcached + MySQL)

In part one of this blog (you can see it here) I gave a detailed overview of what Memcached really is. In this part I will address the usage of Memcached to alleviate the load from MySQL. In a scalable + high traffic application, database will prove to be a bottleneck due to the limitations of disk read/write rate, which is slow as compared to reading from memory. As Memcached is a memory-based distributed object storage cache, we can utilize the power of Memcached. Will avoiding database a good optimization? Yes it is. This is where Memcached will come into play, avoiding the requests to hit MySQL. Well not in all cases but yes to a considerable extent. Having Memcache installation on the same server as MySQL and using it will help the data source to perform much better. When I say Memcache it means that I am refering to only one instance of Memcache and not a distributed version (in the latter case its Memcached). Having Memcache on the same server as MySQL means that memory will be distributed between Memcache and MySQL which is not what I prefer. I would prefer a separate server dedicated to Memcache so MySQL can utilize the memory and definitely get more of it. Below is the architecture that I am considering:

As you can see that we have a MySQL server and a Memcache Server. We generally have queries that are either fetching data from database or adding/deleting/updating data in the database. For each type we can follow a particular sequence:

Read Queries:
  1. Check Memcached if the data set is available

  2. If its available then congratulations you just avoided a hit to the database

  3. If its not, too bad. Get the result set from the database

  4. You want to avoid hitting the database again, so set the data set in Memcache

Write Queries:

  1. Write data to the database

  2. If the write was a success, then either drop the data set from the Memcache or update the Memcache with current information

Of course this is a very naive concept when it comes to the practical implementation. Practically things are very much different and a bit complicated when it comes to the usage of Memcached. Additionally there can be different levels of caching in an application which are constructed overtime in the life cycle of an application and are based on the needs. Also we can increase the Memcache servers to develop a Memcached cluster to cater the needs of ever increasing data. Now we can clearly see that the performance of the application will increase greatly by reducing the load on the database, using an in-memory key value storage.

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